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OPEn Talks & Workshops

Westminster Music Library
Monday 14th March 2022 / GMT 12.30

Beating Performance Anxiety

Berenice Beverley Zammit will talk about pre-performance routines and how these can be adopted to help beat performance anxiety and optimize performance. 


Tickets from Eventbrite

Berenice Beverley Zammit, Westminster Music Library

Creative Careers, Royal College of Music
Wednesday 16th February 2022 / GMT 13:00


Berenice will be sharing top tips for memorization, inspired by research into how elite musicians memorize.

Berenice Beverley Zammit at Creative Careers, Royal College of Music

Creative Careers, Royal College of Music
Wednesday 16th February 2022 / GMT 13:00

Beating Performance Anxiety

Berenice Beverley Zammit will talk about pre-performance routines and how these can be adopted to help beat performance anxiety and optimize performance. 

Berenice Beverley Zammit at Creative Careers, Royal College of Music

British Association of Performing Arts Medicine
Tuesday 18th January 2022 / GMT 15:00


Berenice will be sharing top tips for memorization, inspired by research into how elite musicians memorize.

Berenice Beverley Zammit at BAPAM

Creative Careers, Royal College of Music
Monday 21st June 2021 / GMT 11:00

Beating Performance Anxiety

Berenice Beverley Zammit will talk about pre-performance routines and how these can be adopted to help beat performance anxiety and optimize performance. 

Berenice Beverley Zammit at Creative Careers, Royal College of Music

British Association of Performing Arts Medicine
Tuesday 20th April 2021 / GMT 15:00

Beating Performance Anxiety

Berenice Beverley Zammit will talk about pre-performance routines and how these can be adopted to help beat performance anxiety and optimize performance. 

Berenice Beverley Zammit at BAPAM

La Red Mexicana De Conservatorios Saludables, Mexico
Saturday 29th March 2025 / GMT 18:30

Optimizing Your Performance: Pre-performance Routines and Performance Anxiety

CAK, B'Kara, Malta 
Saturday 19th October 2024 / GMT+1


Performance Anxiety: Working with the Beast - Tips no-one tells you (9:00-10:30)

Memorisation for Instrumentalists (11:00-12:30)

In these workshops Berenice will be tackling performance anxiety and memorisation as well as sharing top tips on how to work with music performance anxiety and how to memorise music scores, inspired by cutting-edge and evidence-based research.


For details and booking: BOOK HERE

LOCATION - MADC, St. Venera 
Saturday 26th October 2024 / GMT+1


Performance Anxiety: Working with the Beast - Tips no-one tells you (9:30-11:00)

Memorisation (11:30-13:00)

For details and booking: BOOK HERE

British Association of Performing Arts Medicine
Tuesday 26th September 2023 / GMT 15.00

BAPAM P.E.R.F.O.R.M.A.N.C.E. Series

R is for Routine

In this workshop Berenice Beverley Zammit will look at how to make effective routines to enhance your creative practice. It will include routines around:


  • how to practise effectively

  • how best to engage with your creativity and identify the routines that work best for you

  • pre- and post-performance routines including physical warm-ups and cool downs


You will then be able to start creating your own pre- and post-practise and performance routines, best suited to what works for you as individuals.


Tickets from Eventbrite

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 18.23.56.png

British Association of Performing Arts Medicine
Wednesday 25th January 2023 / GMT 19.00

Practitioners Online CPD: the show must go on - performance preparation

This online medical education session focuses on preparing for performance and covers physical, vocal, psychological and performance factors.



Berenice Beverley Zammit - Performance Management Specialist, lecturer and professional violinist, Krystina Crolla-Barker - Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Genevieve Tawiah - Performance Physiotherapist, Katherine Beresford - Actor


Tickets from Eventbrite

BAPAM British association of performing arts medicine

Royal College of Music
Wednesday 23rd November 2022 / GMT 13.00
Wednesday 30th November 2022 / GMT 13.00
Wednesday 18th January 2023 / GMT 13.00

A Series of Talks
Beating Performance Anxiety
Practice, Practice, Practice


Wednesday 6th July 2022 / GMT 19.00

Beating Performance Anxiety

Berenice Beverley Zammit will talk about how to take control of our butterflies and make them fly into formation when we perform.


Tickets here

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